Daily Schedule

Kings and Queens

Below are some of the activities the children engage in throughout class time.

Arrival time

As the children arrive, they are greeted by the staff. Especially in the early days of the school year, there can be separation issues. The teacher and aide help the children greatly as they work this through (they’re helpful with parents also).

Free choice play time

While everyone is arriving at the Center, the children have time to play with whatever is available. They can choose from play dough, blocks, dress-up clothes, puzzles, games, easel art, and a large assortment of toys.

Clean up time

Activities have a beginning, middle, and end. In helping children understand this we are sharing a life skill with them. When a puzzle is taken off the shelf, it is played with and then put back on the shelf (beginning, middle, and end). Children and staff work together to clean up the classroom.

Circle time

This is when learning takes place in a large group. It is an organized time in which all the children participate. The content of circle time is always changing with the unit, but the underlying structure remains the same. During circle time the children:

  • sing a welcome song
  • do a calendar count and talk about the weather
  • have storytelling in some form (finger-plays, dramatization, flannel graph, etc.)
  • have sharing time. The special helper of the day brings items from home, presents them to the class, and the children ask questions
  • have a Bible story once a week

During this time children learn in different areas like science, math, language arts, and music by having a variety of activities.

Snack Time

Snack time begins with everyone washing their hands and sitting at a spot at the table. The special helper passes out the napkins and the children fold their hands and wait until all are ready. Snack always begins with a prayer chosen by the special helper. Snack time is also a learning time; conversation skills, quiet music, jokes, experiencing new foods, learning names, etc. Children are encouraged to be as self-sufficient as possible during this time.

Project Time

Each day the children take part in some type of project that relates to the lesson. During this time the focus is on teaching the children skills such as cutting, gluing, name
writing, following directions, listening, etc. Because we are practicing skills, projects do not turn out like manufactured crafts. The educational phrase is “process not product.”

Large Motor Time

This is playtime but is oftentimes more directed than free choice. It is during this time when the children might go outside or go to a larger room to do more active things like hopping and skipping.

Library Time

Each day the children will visit the library and “check out” a book. Books are returned at the next session and a new one can be chosen. This is a life skill that teaches responsibility and respect for things that do not belong to them.

Closing Time

Near the end of the day, a closing is held. This includes a story of some kind, a recap of the day, possibly singing a song or finger play learned at circle time, and a goodbye song. Children receive projects completed during the day, find personal belongings, and go to their mailboxes to find their mail.

There are also other things that the children do on occasion. You can find them on our Other Activities page.